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  • Q Why is your price higher than others?

    A Because our products are developed with high quality materials and precise digital programming. After testing to ensure that there are no errors before shipping, you can rest assured of product quality, we will also provide teaching services and after-sales service.
  • Q Can we send our technician to your factory for training?

    A Yes, you are warmly welcomed to visit us for free training. We can send engineers to install the machine overseas also.
  • Q Once there is something need to replace, what can I do?

    A We are factory, all spare parts are available, can be delivered to user's office by DHL. Besides, we suggest users order common spare parts for long time maintenance and fast replacement.
  • Q If I have some technical problem, how can you help us to solve it?

    A Professional engineers team for technical support and solutions More than 29 years rich experience,One to one professional technical operation free training.Detailed description, photos or video will help our technician analyze the problem and give solutions accordingly.
  • Q What payment methods are supported?

    A Payment methods are Alibaba, T/T, D/P, Western Union, Credit Card, etc.
  • Q Can you print my own logo on the products?

    Yes ,we can make your own design or put your logo on the product ,please send your design or inquiry to our email ( Whatsapp or Skype ),but also the packing design and other OEM services are available.
  • Q What is the Minimum Order Quantity(MOQ)?

    A No quantity limited, Sample order or small order is acceptable.
  • Q Can I get a free sample for a testing?

    A Sure, you can send us the photo you want to print, we will test it for you and take photos and videos for your reference, if you want to see it, just pay the shipping cost is ok.
 +86-13724069620



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